Middle East



The IP Whiz business was founded in the UAE in February 2006, and coordinates enforcement across the Middle East from offices in Dubai and Amman.

Our success in the Middle East region is based on the close relationship we have established with enforcement authorities through training their officers in how to identify suspect goods. This work stimulated Saudi Customs, Dubai Customs and Dubai Economic Development Dept to develop pro-active seizure programs.

We are especially active in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and also coordinate enforcement in Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman.

The Middle East has also become our key for unlocking China. In addition to tracing back from the region to source factories in China ourselves, we are encouraging Police and Customs in the Middle East to cooperate directly with their counterparts in China in order to dismantle entire counterfeiting networks downstream and upstream at the same time.

2006年2月IP Whiz 成立于阿联酋;迪拜、及安曼办公室之间相互协调中东地区的执法行动。

密切联系执法部门、培训其人员如何辨别涉嫌产品是IP Whiz 在中东获得成功的基石;紧密的合作激发了沙特和迪拜海关及迪拜经济发展署主动抓获侵权产品的热情。

在阿联酋和沙特显著和活跃的表现外,IP Whiz在土耳其、约旦、科威特、巴林、卡塔尔和阿曼均能协调打击行动。
